Friday, January 19, 2007

Works in Progress

Last week's blogstalking was our wip's, so here they are...
Clock-wise starting from top center...
1. fingerless gloves for a friend. Not technically started but sinse I gave her the ball of yarn for christmas, I think it counts.
2. Carlsbad Beanie for Mr. VT, made with incorrect gague intentionally so it can be felted. I'm adding in green, navy, and chocolate stripes too. On hold until the-sweater-that-never-ends is finished.
3. Scarf for Dad. For LAST christmas. Dad, you are not going to be recieving a 1x1 ribbed 5 foot scarf, cause I am not as crazy now as I was when I started knitting it. You will, however, someday recieve a more interesting scarf in these same colors. be frogged.
4. Felted messenger bag, my design for me. On hold for x-mas knitting and afor-mentioned sweater.
5. Sizzle shell. I can not knit a tank top when it is snowing. On hold.
6. front and center...THE-SWEATER-THAT-NEVER-ENDS!!!! But has two arms, a neck hole, and even in fact appears to be almost wearable!! All that's left is to rip out the ribbing on the bottom, reknit three inches of legnth onto it, bind off, block, and DONE!! Trust me, when it's done, you'll all know. And since all other knitting is on hold until the last end is woven, that may actually be coming soon!!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

I MADE things!!!

Lookie!!!!!!!!!! First, I MADE BAGELS!!!! With my handy new kitchenaide that Mr VT got me for x-mas! The recipe is from the King Arthur cookbook that I have out of the library (think about that-a library book that is a cookbook. Look at your cookbooks and their stains. Every page in this thing is a homage to all the cooks in the area...I love it!). The bagels were pretty easy, heck everything is pretty easy when the steps to making homemade bread are 1. chuck all ingredients in bowl 2. turn on kitchenaide 3. watch it mix for 5-15 minutes. Or don't. 4. put it in a bowl and let it rise...etc.

We MADE BEER!!! Okay, Mr. VT and his friend the Bio-biker made beer, I knitted and watched. I Lurrrve the idea of making beer, but the process of sterilizing and all that other stuff makes me kuukoo. And let me tell you, we make GOOD beer. YUM!

I made curtains!!! Obviously for the bathroom. It's a batiked fabric with turtles that Mr. VT picked out (he LOVES turtles). They are lovely and so fast that in the time he played Tony Hawk and watched a show on how to make Skippy peanut butter, they were done.

I (re) made his sweater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look, see this is the sewing machine that he got me last x-mas (do we sense a theme? I do and I LOVE it). This is the side steek, or how I made a too wide circular knit body juuuuust right!!

See? Easy Peasie! And stretchie, and totally cheating, but I don't give a shit. No way was I rekniting that thing THAT much. As it is I ripped back to the lower section of the armpits to do it in raglan circular style (ummm, why did I not know raglan should be done in the round?)

Lastly, two pair of wee-mini-fuzzie-feetsies!!! Now either I knit really tight even when knitting for felting, or patterns are a bit off. Or our washer is a mega felter. They came out quite small, and needed a LOT of stretching. But they're great, and the boys (housemates youngins) love them and spent the entire night sliding around the kitchen and doing twirls. I told them about the puffy paint but they seemed perfectly happy to slide, even after one wiped out hardcore and cried. Oh and the green yarn in the bag next to them? Actually a hulk punching hand. I had to go look, looked like skeins to me!

So YEAY for being productive, and say goodbye to it cause school starts on wednesday!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

2006 in Numbers

Having recovered from the post holiday diet (aka the 36 hour stomach-hurling virus) I can now sit up for more that 20 minutes at a time. Looking back on 2006, it has been a looooong year in the VT house, and we've passed some landmarks...

12 months of blogging, as of December 27th! (yes, I am retarded cause I missed the all-important one year bloggiversary)
11 gazillion pages of articles and textbooks read
10 months without any significant snowfall here in Maine (or so it feels)
9 times I have begun and ended employment at a varied assortment of seasonal and temporary jobs and internships. In one year, yes. I love being a student.
8 batches of beer and wine have been brewed, our newest favorite hobby
7 unfinished knitted projects as of 12:01 January 1st, only one being a carryover from 2005! (unsure if this is something to be proud of)
6 ty some odd miles canoed on the St. Croix, our second time down, made even better with three friends along
5 days of wedding celebration in Georgia as the last of our siblings got hitched.
4 months of academics to complete until Mr. VT and I graduate from our masters programs, as of Jan 1, 2007
3 years since we left our loved Vermont to live in Maine
2 new babies born, one to my cousin and one to my bro and sis in law, making us an uncle and auntie!
1 year that Mr. VT and I have been married

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Merry Christmas

And Happy New Year to you all!

I hope you enjoy a great 2007 filled with good things for you and your families!!
Loves, sssarahevt, Mr. VT, Zora, and Dulce.