Yarn Porn
OOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I got YARRRRRN!! My SP7, JPKnits, has totally treated me and I am sooo excited!! Two balls of a great navy specked Smart superwash which may end up as something for DH, cause they're totally his colors. A ball of Rowan Tapestry that is soooo soft and pretty I have no idea what to make with it...I will just keep it and pet it and name it Beth. Then three balls of washable Heirloom in a kickass teal/turquoise, LOVE the color!! AND a skein of FAB hand dyed from Dream in Color in a beautiful purple...how did she know purple is my new favorite color!! And to top it off, two really funny patches, a cute treehugger button, and the household favorite, tamari-wasabi almonds! (I have in the past had addiction-like issues with wasabi peas, and DH is likeways with nuts. This is the perfect combo. I am hiding them from both of us as 3.9 seconds into opening the bag we were both drooling almond-tamari-wasabi drool). THANK YOU JPKnits!!!! You rock as an SP!!!!!!!! Love You!!!
Further on, I did go to Webbs in Noho. DH surprised me on the way home from the in-laws, as I thought we were going straight home to do homework all afternoon. After a panic (I don't have my pattern book-or calculator-or yarn needs-arggghhhh!) we settled into a wi-fi coffee shop so I could pull the necessary yarn info off my blog and the internet. Webs was AMAZING, I entered the wharehouse, and kind of started hyperventilating, like I was so overwhelmed and overstimulated I couldn't remember to exhale all of the way. I made it out with this:
All the yarn needed to make the Rosedale United Sweater from Knitty. It will be striped in an unknown manner, but I honestly don't think it would make a difference...the colors are amazing and look so cool together! That's 6 balls of Noro Kureyon and 6 of Lopi Lite. So cool. And FYI, Webbs is everything it's said to be. And more. And more. And a little more.
Finally, I present the yarn for Sizzle. Sizzle was origionally going to be out of Berrocco Softwist. Softwist was not so pretty once i got it home. It was sad and pully and rough and did not look like it would wear well. So I returned it and for an additional $2.35 came home with this!! Jo Sharp DK Cotton in a great plum color! Yeay!!!!!!!!!