Saturday, August 02, 2008

This Month I Tell a Story: Day 1/2

So I have been a bad blogger, slow to blog, some days wanting to blog but not making the effort to bother. Since graduating from my masters program, I no longer spend countless hours at home in front of the computer, and somedays if I've checked at work, I don't even turn the computer on (horrors! Somewhere Bill Gates just died a little). In my effort to correct this, I have an idea...

Each day this month, I will tell a little story about one of my favorite yarns. And likely post a picture. And not beat myself up if I miss a day. So this month I tell a story about my favorite yarns, and this is the first one:

Amy's Yarn
This is by The Fibre Company, their Terra yarn, in Light Wode. The colors are so rich and deep, with a tricksie color on color that you just want to sink into. I made a pair of Fingerless Gloves for my internship supervisor at the completion of my year there. She was also a knitter, and spoke wistfully of the unintentional hanging up of her needles when she had children. I knew that she could really appreciate the magic that this yarn can do, and she loved them.
I have since continued to covet this yarn in other colors, but it is quite pricey and hard to find the just-right pattern to justify buying more. I love this yarn.


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