Saturday, November 11, 2006

Project Explosion

We have a project explosion in my house. I went from having one project to 4. Well, one was just on the back burner, but it's in action now with the other three. First, here's the start of my messenger bag purse. While I did all the math right (so far) to knit it the correct size pre-felting, I did not anticipate the problem of knitting in the round with an intarsia section, which is essentially what the blue stripe is. So I could have knit it flat. I could have carried the yarn across somehow or something. I could have just had a billion ends that would get felted away. I could have knitted back and forth on circulars, leaving an open seam at a corner where the felted seam won't make a difference. BUT I did not do any of these. Instead I somehow have the seam at the blue/brown meeting spot. I think I may change this, cause I am anal retentive with some things, this being one of them. And oh goodie, this will give me five balls of yarn to chase around!!Next up...the slightly abandoned Sizzle. I love this tank top. I can't knit a tank top when it's getting dark at 4:30. So sizzle may hang out on the needles until spring.
Next...the current stage of Mr. VT's sweater... it is in pieces. I think I may frog the world's most beautiful neck and the top to about two inches above the band so I can knit it as more of a raglan. Cause that would be closer to the kind of fit he wants. I did think about cutting and sewing it, but I just can't.
And finally, Mr. VT has decided he wants a hat. A felted hat. So I actually found a pattern that I can knit as written with Patons Merino and it will end up the correct felted size. This is a knitting miracle. It is a sign that he really needs this hat. A pea green hat with chocolate and navy stripes and designs. It will be lovely.


Blogger Rain said...

I would end up in such a tangle with that many balls of yarn.

I love the colour you're using for Sizzle, but know what you mean about working on it now, summer feels so far away.

8:41 AM  

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